Bite ME
An energy vampire can never “steal” energy from us unless we consciously or unconsciously permit them to.
Bite ME
In our everyday world we have vampires that walk the streets in daylight. Sucking the fun, energy and excitement out of any situation. Do you notice when you spend some time with a certain type of person you are left feeling tired, drained or even at times depressed from having to listen to or be around them? Yet after your interaction they seem to be revitalized or unphased from the conversation. You may have a psychic vampire that has sunk his or her teeth into you. An energy vampire is a term used to describe a living person who has allowed their vibration to become so low that they need to “feed-off” the energies and “drain” them emotionally- in order to function and feel satisfied. Here are our top five that you may have to deal with in your life.
The Narcissist
The Victim
The Controller
The Constant Talker
The Exaggerator
The Narcissist is a person who has an excessive interest or admiration of themselves. They tend to lack empathy and become withholding if you don't do things their way. They have little capacity for anything approaching unconditional love. They usually have big egos, they often like to argue and pick fights. A major key to protecting yourself from this type of energy vampire is self confidence. Being self assured within your own self.
2. The Victim is pretty obvious. Its people who tend to play the poor me card throughout their whole life. They drain energy with their constant whining and complaining yet refuse to act on any advice you offer. This type of energy vampire also has a constant need for reassurance and acceptance. Protecting yourself from this type of vampire may require some savvy conversation skills. When the individual continues with their constant whining, listen for a few minutes then gently turn the conversation in another direction. If that doesn't work let that person know that you would like to help them but their constant complaining won't result in any resolution . If the person's actions persist it may be time to find another friend.
3. The Controller, think of a dominating boss or spouse. They often use threat or manipulation to get what they want. They need to have the reins at all times. They will do whatever is necessary to get their way. In some cases they may even resort to becoming aggressive or use emotional blackmail and guilt tripping their prey. This vampire often invalidates your emotions in order to dominate you or put you down. The best defense is to draw a line in which an unmistakable boundary is set. If they realize you have limits, they will back off of you and search for other victims. This vampire is one that leaves long term effects on its victims. It may take years to even realize you have been prey to the Controller.
4. The Constant Talker takes over conversation by un-endingly sharing their own thoughts, feelings and anecdotes without giving pause to allow you to put in your two cents. They may also invade your personal physical space as they ramble on endlessly. The classic close talker or bubble breecher. Completely oblivious to your obvious discomfort. If it is not physically near you, sometimes they insert themselves into your personal life more than you allow them to. The easiest way to deal with this blood-sucking migraine is to simply not engage in conversation at all. There is no escaping them or success in trying to keep the topic light and enjoyable. Their endless drone is very difficult to at least make tolerable. We all know that one person that you don't want to dive deep with, there is no winning. They never know when to let the conversation end. They enjoy hearing themselves talk more than anything.
5. The Exaggerator or the drama queen. Luckily this is the easiest to deal with for the most part. They drain energy by exaggerating small instances, being late for a meeting is the end of the world. A minor illness is the worst cold ever. They also over- inflate their importance in small situations. The best way to deal with this one is honestly to ignore them. They will lose interest in telling you all the little problems once you are not easily accessible.
The truth is in any relationship, there will always be an exchange of energy. You get out of life what you tolerate and the same rules need to apply to everybody, regardless of family status. When it comes to violating your non-negotiables in life, family needs to be dealt with the same rules as anyone else for inner peace to be achieved. People either uplift us or they don't. Here are some things to think about when considering if someone is worth keeping in your life:
If your relationship with a person has changed, has it gotten better?
Can you wholeheartedly trust that person with your dreams, fears, secrets, or your heart?
Do you feel valued, loved, balanced, and supported?
How would you describe the quality of energy exchange? Is it an equal exchange or one-sided?
Can you truly be yourself without fear of being judged, mocked, or ridiculed?
If someone drains you, explore the root cause of your attachment and ask: Can the relationship dynamic shift?
You’ve got a decision to make: keep the relationship going… or not?