This Week’s Tarotscopes
Heart Chakra
Color: Green
Sounds: Yam
Element: Air
Glad: Thymus
Key Words: “I LOVE”
This Week you will need to focus on healing things that correlate back to the heart chakra. Unconditional love, compassion, harmony, relationships, and healing should be the only focus to heal. It’s believed to be the link between body, mind, and soul. Balancing this area may take a while, but you should allow all the time that you need so the healing energy can get through and flow freely. By loving yourself and others - as well as learning forgiveness - you’ll become more attuned with spirit. Repeat and chant your key words this week. Every decision needs to come back to love.
This week is all about accepting changes. These opportunities for change will expand you greater than you have ever imagined. You can’t live in the past - it’s time to move on. In order to take the next positive step, you should look closely at your own life and ask yourself: are there loose ends that need to be tied up? Are there people in my life whom I need to express myself to? What needs to be completed so I can have a fresh start? When you do so, you’ll have a stronger, more reinforced foundation to carry you through the next beginnings that await you.
This is one reminder that you already posses all the tools to guide and direct you in life. Right now you have a very strong energy pull. You have the ability to create your own reality - to set ideas in to motion and to watch them grow. You are ready to switch directions, start a new project or new career. Now is the time to use positive thoughts, visualizations and affirmations as you veer away from negativity. By having faith in yourself and keeping your willpower strong, success is around the corner. You are on the right path, keep going.
Emotional Withdrawal
This card represents moving away or withdrawing from a current situation in your life, whether it’s an old love, a relationship, or leaving behind what was once familiar in search of new horizons. It’s important to pause, heal and reflect right now. Schedule some alone time so you can commune with your soul, and give the power of spirit the opportunity to restore your energy. After that you will have the strength to move forward in a positive direction. This is your time, use it to tap into your heart so you may find your courage and strength again.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This card indicates a spiritual teacher or guide will step into your life soon and will make a big impact on yours. It also is here to confirm that it’s time to reach out and find an organization or group of like-minded souls. Being part of a group where you can be yourself, share your thoughts, and get valuable feedback can infuse you and encouraged you to be all that you can be. Kindred support helps you live life to your highest ideals, finding the true inspiration and enlightenment that’s part of your soul. You have so much to learn and share, whether you realize it or not.
This card signifies the need for patience, self-control, adjustment, moderation, and balance when dealing with others, as well as yourself. This could be in the areas of how you think and work; and how you handle school, recreation, the people in your life, or the spiritual path that’s set before you. It’s all about integration and balancing all aspects of you. Open your heart and mind; and allow yourself to listen to other people’s ideas, thoughts, and perspectives. Blissful harmony can be achieved when everyone learns to work as one - all benefit. Listening, sharing, and reaching out will help you renew your faith in yourself and humankind.
This is a clear message that it’s time for you to use your intuition. Turn inward, where you’ll find the solutions and valuable insights that are waiting to assist you. You are not trusting yourself, your gut, or others at the moment. Your heart chakra and throat chakra is blocked. You are not speaking your truth and you are not feeling love from those around you. Do not self sabotage your emotions. Be honest with yourself and start looking for solutions to problems. This is an opportunity to use a discerning eye and observe beneath and beyond what’s actually in front of you - you’ll see the real deal!
Stop! your soul is calling out and needs to be honored and heard. The answers you seek aren’t necessarily found in the outer world. The time has come for you to step back and withdraw from outside commotion. The solitude card is a reminder of how important it is to pause, still the mind, meditate, reflect, reevaluate, and discover the wisdom and answers within the very soul of your being. Conserve your energy and deal with one thing at a time. Now quality counts over quantity. The soul constantly draws in what it needs, you may notice someone will share their life experience that will be helpful insight and wisdom into your own.
This card represents the need for balance and harmony with your inner life, as well as with what’s surrounding you in the physical world. This denotes that some lifestyle adjustments are required at this time. It could be associated with love, relationships, business, or even your career. It is here to help you realize that what you perceive to be happening around you is really an externalization of inner process or conflict that you may be currently experiencing.; This card will often appear if you work in the legal field or when you’re involved in law related matters. Have faith that justice will triumph. Karma is here and you will get what you have earned and others will reap what they have sowed. Be honest and caring and responsible for the choices that you’ve made as well as the ones that will be made in the future.
Spiritual Strength
This card is coming forth to give you encouragement and remind you that you have the inner strength to complete whatever you’ve been working on. This final spirit card represents courage, discipline, stability and persistence. You may be tired or weary from the struggle, but now is not the time to give in, tap into all of your inner reserves for that one final push to achieve your desired outcome. You’ve been through so much to get to this point; and even though you may have acquired some scars from the battle, you’re wiser and stronger for it. The enlightenment you’ve gained will be an invaluable resource. All these experiences feed your spirit and offer you knowledge for the future.
Good luck and fortune is now in your favor. A cycle of change, Success, and growth is imminent. Life ebbs and flows in its natural journey, and the destiny card signifies that good karma has come full circle - Lady Luck is pointing directly at you. What you sowed, you’re about to reap. Open up your heart, and accept and receive what you’ve earned. Opportunities whether expected or unexpected, are knocking at your door. Hold onto a strong beliefe that you deserve to be happy and prosperous and have abundance in all areas of your life is the key. This confident mind-set will show you that the impossible can indeed become the possible.
Prosperity Begins
This card brings a message of beginnings, prosperity, wealth, and new business - which could soon be in the palm of your hand. It may result from your hard work, past efforts, and investments; or it could show up unexpectedly. It may even be presented as a gift. With careful and diligent planning, recent endeavors and moneymaking ideas show great possibilities and promises of monetary gains. This is the time to focus on the most beneficial outcome. Expect the best and envision that project or new job having a successful result. Feel it, see it, and, most important, believe it! When you focus on abundance and the positive aspects of the material world - and offer gratitude - prosperity in all forms will flow even more freely.
Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee