What Does Your Black Moon Lilith Sign Mean?
Lilith was Adam’s first wife in the garden of eden before Eve. She demanded equality and independence. Especially sexual freedom, she wanted to express herself. Lilith is the shadow side of the moon (cue Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon) instead of nurturing mother energy she exudes empowerment, embracing who you are and not repressing yourself. She challenges us to indulge in the pleasures life has to offer.
The moon and rising signs gets you to novice status. For those of us comfortable with these concepts, but ready to move in intermediate astrology knowledge, it’s time to explore something called Lilith, or Black Moon Lilith. Lilith incorporates a person’s dark sexual side and the hidden self - making it the perfect astrology elective to add to your life.
Who or what is Lilith? It is the furthest point of the moon’s orbit around the earth, when the moon is at its most isolated. Representing your primitive impulses and behavior in the rawest form. It reveals repressed sexuality and expresses the dark side of one’s personality. It also refers to our “shadow self”. This is usually how it affects woman, we are so used to society telling us how we cannot freely express our sexual energy.
Marilyn Monroe is a great example of strong Lilith aspects. She has Lilith right in her ascending sign. She is one of the biggest sex symbols that there is. It’s no surprise to see her chart has strong Lilith aspects in her ascending, that’s how she shows up in the world. Having this makes you a sexual magnet, men are just drawn to you. It also represents non-monogamous types of relationships. Marilyn is known as being a mistress to the president, this Lilith energy is just strongly felt. Most people who have it strongly tend to complain about the unwanted attention they get. You can’t shift the stars though doll.
Lilith is also our inner bitch ready to be released. Obviously just like everything, even the shadow side has its own shadow side. When your black moon Lilith gets too out of control it can make life difficult. I’m sure we can all raise our hand and admit we have encountered a “Karen” or bitch. She is extremely controlling, emotionally manipulative and very difficult to interact with. Bet you 20$ they have lots of Lilith aspects in their chart.
When a man has strong Lilith aspects, this has a lot more to do with the type of woman he attracts. Usually they attract woman who mirror unresolved issues of power and control that they have within themselves. Sorry guys, this doesn’t sound fun for you. Since they attract woman who have a lot of qualities that they fear, It can become a subconscious mind fuck for men.
In relationships when both people have this energy it usually starts as an affair and or ends with an affair. It could also turn into a polyamorous relationship. When this energy is in your chart strongly, you’re so not interested in any kind of traditional courtship. (Romantic love is an invented concept to manipulate and constrain women, duh.) The wild woman you seek already lives within you.
In your birth chart, what sign is in your Black Moon Lilith? Take a look and see what you could possibly be repressing this new moon? What needs to be unleashed? Feed the soul and explore your rebellious nature.
Your Lilith Mantra: I am a powerful, intelligent leader. I am accepted and respected by others.
Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee