Your Weekly Tarotscope January 3rd-9th
2 of Pentacles & 7 of Pentacles
This week you may be very focused on the body and security. Your hard work is paying off and you are starting to see things grow. Enjoy the fact that it is the gestation period for you next chapter. Be in the moment and be thankful you can be now. You are almost viewing the world with a new set of eyes. When it comes to work, things are going well. These cards indicate manifestation in the works. You may be juggled too much at once and will have to narrow your perspective on the first true goal you need to meet. When it comes to relationships you may be focusing on meeting financial goals this week. Don’t overwork yourself. Prioritize one thing at a time. If you are single you may notice two people around you that are interested, but this is an indication to take it slow and wait till the dust settles to make any commitments. This is a week to weed out distractions and focus on one priority at a time.
Two of Swords & Page of Pentacles
This week is an excellent prospect for promotions, a raise, new job, learning a new skill or starting a new education. If you have been wanting a new job, opportunities are around you now. Take advantage of this energy, magic follows action. Hold a vision for what you want and start going out looking for it. There is also a reconciliation happening. This just means peace has come to a situation that has been stressing the mind out. Finally a relaxing moment. If you are in a relationship there is great loyalty and faithfulness between you and your partner. It may be time to bring some fun back into the mix. If you are single, this shows plenty of opportunities are available and they are also worthy of your time and hold potential. If you are interested in someone, don’t sit on the fence about it, nothing will be gained from that.
The Hierophant & Page of Swords
This week you may feel a bit slowed down due to traditions and conformity. You may feel the old way of things being done maybe just are not for you. This just means you are growing and developing your own version of traditions and what you hold valuable. You may be feeling pressure to conform to the old version of yourself by others. This is a sign saying don’t let that happen. Follow your gut, it is a great time to start a new spiritual practice or start learning something new for yourself. Different cultures may effect you strongly. You may be feeling a pull to a past life during this time. Take note of your dreams and visually what is drawing your eye. There may be patience needed in every day affairs, some delays might be happening. Don’t let it stress you out at all, take advantage of a bit of a break.
7 of Wands & 8 of Swords
This week you may be feeling like you have to defend yourself. Kind of like you are being backed into a corner. Mentally you are kind of torturing yourself. You may be thinking you are trapped or stuck and don’t know what to do next or to change things up. The good thing is, these are minors and it will only effect you for a very short amount of time. If you are dealing with opposing ideals from others, know that you are in the right to defend yourself. Also know, it is not your job to educate others, take the high road. Say your piece, stick to your guns and don’t let it poison your thoughts. You have control over how heavily negative thinking will effect you, this is a self-sabotaging energy. Focus on what will ease your mind.
The Hanged Man & 4 of Swords Reversed
You may be feeling a bit stuck this week. Theres no changes that you want or nothing seems to be flowing easily. Know that things will get easier. You may need to see things from a different perspective. This card warns us not to be too stubborn and to admit when we might not know everything. It is a humbling experience. Your body and mind need a break and are in need of some serious self care. You may be resisting a break or some alone time. Make sure you are not surrounded by people who are co-dependent on you or that you are to them. When it comes to work you may be feeling nothing bad and nothing good. Just kind of stuck and no changes right now. When it comes to relationships you may need some good R&R time together to rejuvenate the body and spirit. If you are single it is time to put down the phone, social media, and maybe have some time to rest and process why you are feeling so drained and disconnected.
6 of Cups & The Fool Reversed
This week you may notice someone or some situation from the past is trying to return. You may get a call from an old friend or bump into someone unexpectedly from your past. It is also a warning that an ex is thinking of you and is plotting a way to come back. This is definitely a test from your guides. Do not repeat the cycle. The Fool reversed is saying you may be tempted to act foolish. You may be tempted to make a decision that you will regret later. We are in a Mercury Retrograde pre shadow period. Do your best to focus on balancing your emotions now and making some decision on what it is you want moving forward. This will help resist the cool-aid and not make any decisions you will regret.
The Moon & Ace of Cups Reversed
This week make sure you take the time to listen to your emotions. Some unresolved things from the past may be bubbling up. If you don’t take care, it can make you emotionally unstable. If you have been thinking about trying out counseling or therapy, this may be the sign that you needed to give it a try. The mind can play tricks on us and make us feel self conscious, or bringing fears up to the surface. We are in the pre-shadow of mercury retrograde. We may need to prepare to stay balanced. Spend time in nature, try journaling or reading a self help book. The Ace of Cups reversed shows you need to show love to yourself, surround yourself with only supportive people that will help you through your emotions.
Wheel of Fortune & 6 of Swords
Lots of changes are coming for you. The wheel is bringing you good luck, if you have been feeling stuck this is gonna give you whip lash. So prepare for changes. This indicates possible travel or changing job, home or leaving a situation in the past that held a lot of turmoil for you. This is a great indication that things are about to get a lot easier. Just do your best to deal and process any situations you went through, you may bring baggage with you moving forward. This is the calm after the storm coming in. It also shows the urge to possibly want to run away and get out of something. If you are feeling that, follow that instinct because it is correct.
5 of Wands & 5 of Pentacles
Stop and don’t run! This week you may have to deal with some people having conflicts around you. People disagreeing, ego’s being a bit out of control. This is just to confirm that you should not try to fix or mediate. There is nothing you can do to fix others. Focus on yourself, make yourself a priority! Be the calm in the storm and fix any bad habit ways of negative thinking. You may be stressing when there is no need. Stay present in the moment and thankful for where you are, what you have become, all the little milestones you met need to be celebrated. Shift your energy to that and I promise you will be out of the Fives in no time!
The World & 3 of Cups
This week is something to celebrate. You may get an invitation to go on a date and celebrate a milestone. A job well done! You deserve to take the time and enjoy yourself and go over all of your accomplishments. The world indicates you have ended one chapter of life and will be preparing to start a new one. You reached a milestone and your guides are rewarding you for all of your perseverance and patience. You may notice soon things will start falling into place. Synchronicities will slowly come knocking so make sure to keep your heart and your eyes open to see the subtle signs of love and support from the universe. It is a great time to brainstorm your next move and celebrate yourself and how far you have come.
Page of Wands & King of Wands
This week you may get some cheerful news. Possibly a creative endeavor may come knocking at your door. It will bring a lot of excitement and passion will come rushing back. You may get a little restless due to being so excited for this next chapter. You will gain a lot of confidence, control and become a natural born leader. You may be paving the way for something big to come to fruition. Don’t burn the candle at both ends and learn to delegate and trust those around you. You need to let go to the level of control you are used to having. Mind your temper, when passions are high so are fuses. Get ready for a very exciting, adventurous and joyful time coming to you.
9 of Cups & Knight of Wands
This week you may be feeling extra free spirited. Make sure to balance that out and not get to hasty with decisions. It will bring a lot of excitement, confidence and adventure to your life. A big idea about travel may be coming in, have your journal or notebook handy and make sure to take an extra look into your dreams. You also have a wish fulfillment coming in, it can be small or big but whatever it is, take a moment to enjoy and be grateful for it. It will start a whole new set of synchronicities into your next goal. If things have been a bit slow, they will start to pick up unexpectedly soon. Enjoy your happiness and downtime while you can, and remember that everything no matter how small is a blessing to be acknowledged.
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Online booking for phone readings will be available soon.
Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee