Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
Nasa is predicting this lunar eclipse to be the longest eclipse in 100 years!
You may want to get an extra pick me up to enjoy this beauty. Nov 18-19 is a lunar eclipse, watch the stunning full frost moon turn red. This full moon has other names as well, one being Beaver Full moon and another Dark Full moon. All were terms used by Native American tribes, it was to help mark the seasons. This Frost moon is the last full moon this autumn.
Here are the best times to see the eclipse by time zone:
· Eastern: 2-4 a.m. Nov. 19
· Central: 1-3 a.m. Nov. 19
· Mountain: Midnight-2 a.m., Nov. 19
· Pacific: 11 p.m. Nov. 18-1 a.m. Nov. 19
“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.“
– J.R.R. Tolkien
This full moon is in Taurus and the spiritual meaning refers to the use of sincerity, faith, a strong sense of purpose to evolve and elevate your soul. Jupiter in a square with the full moon does add a risk of greed, immorality, irresponsibility and exaggeration in the destructive and brutal nature of Algol (Demon Star). Algol comes to cause a little destruction, usually needed to create change. Don’t let this scare you, usually these are big universal energies that affect the collective as a whole, it won’t feel like it is personally coming after you.
Let’s get a little selfish and bring the Full Moon in Taurus message back to self. This energy tends to give us a strong desire to go after what we truly want. It also counter balances Scorpio, basically that means that it takes out any complicated or mysterious energies surrounding you. So you may notice some clarity coming in about your next chapter.
Taurus is ruled by Venus. This increases the power of attraction, money and major matters of the heart. Now you will be likely drawn towards beauty, love, and creativity. Make some time to enjoy these pleasers in your life. Splurge on something that makes you feel spoiled and lavished. Spend some time making some comfort food and enjoy some much needed R&R.
The full moon is no joke. Some of the wildest nights of my life went down on full moons, what about you? We can use these intense energies in our favor. Be aware of your emotions coming and going in waves and work towards staying as grounded as possible.
This is the time to let things go. Let go of problems, worries, unwanted behavior, and toxic people so that you can heal and move forward without these things holding you back. Dig deep to decipher what those can be pertaining to your life.
Banishing Ritual
Grab some full bay leaves and a ball point sharpie. Get ready to cast out those demons (or ex’s). Look at what is really holding you back – now is the time to let it go. Be honest with yourself and the universe will answer with its help.
· I release myself from ….
· I cleanse myself of ….
· I free myself of ….
· I forgive myself for ….
· I let go of my ex
· I will stop smoking
· I free myself of needing to be liked
Once you make these personal to you, write them out on the bay leaves and let’s set the scene. Play some meditation music, burn some sweet incense and bring your journal. Take time to reflect on the things your letting go of and why. Mean what you say or in this case, mean what you write. Commit to letting go and moving forward.
If you have a burning bowl you can use that to burn your leaves, watch it catch fire and the crackling sound it makes truly soothes the soul. Take each leaf one at a time, read it aloud to yourself then set it aflame. Consider it an oath you take for yourself. Let that shit go and move on!
Side note, setting your crystals or divination decks near or on the window seal can cleanse and charge them while you sleep.
As Above, So Below
Happy is the new rich,
Much love, Laura Lee