Repeating Numbers: What the Fuck Does it Mean?
The universe is one great big beautiful dance.
Numbers are a gentle way of dipping your toes into building trust with your own spiritual connection. It’s a very basic sign that you are in alignment with the universe and its melody. Everything in life is synchronicity. It is all one great big beautiful dance. Most people don’t notice messages. The flying hawk, the murder of crows, feathers or coins you find on your routine path just to name a few. Being in alignment means you are in the right place at the right time, keep trusting your gut.
Numbers are not bad or good. To quote my favorite witchy film The Craft “True magic is neither black, nor white – it’s both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time.” Consider seeing repeating numbers a nudge from your HGA (Holy Guardian Angel), Deity, Ancestors or my personal favorite… Watcher.
Each number is connected to a vibrational energy or frequency, so they have different messages to give you. I hope my interpretations can help you unravel the messages from your guides.
Stay present, in the moment and aware of what is happening around you.
One is a number all about new beginnings. It is a wakeup call, time to pay attention. Usually it is a confirmation for something going in your favor or it is a preparation for something coming into your life that you have been focusing on. That’s why most people associate it with manifesting. When we see 11:11 on the clock we make a wish! It also means keep your thoughts pure and focused on your goals because like the Magician in tarot, you are attracting what you think. If we want a new job but focus on what our ex is up to… guess who is going to call you first. Chances are it’s not the new job. With it being a one we have to remember that beginnings are only potential changes. It doesn’t manifest anything without the effort. It’s what we do with this new idea or situation that matters. Stay present in the moment and aware of what is happening around you.
Are we self sabotaging ourselves? Maybe dealing with some major self doubt?
Usually this is associated with your social life and family life. Relationships and friendships may start to become a bigger priority. It’s also is a sign that you may be self-sabotaging yourself and dealing with self-doubt. It’s time to turn those thoughts around, gain control again of your priorities, goals or relationships and make way towards calmer seas. We need to take a step back and be honest with ourselves, are our choices aligning with our goals. Have we lost sight of our true desires? Maybe we got a little sidetracked. It also means it may be time to renew or reinvigorate an existing relationship. If you are going through a troubled patch, this is a sign to keep working on it. Growth is needed but hope is not lost. Time to put in the hard work and dedication to reach fulfillment.
The storm is passing and the path to move forward is clearing in front of you.
Three usually comes up when you feel you have been at a standstill, it’s a sign trying to let you know that the path ahead now will start to clear and you can begin to move forward. You may have been working tirelessly on a project and let’s just say things may not have been going as planned. The storm is passing and the path to move forward is clearing right in front of you. Time to let your hair down for a good balance of work and play. Enjoy yourself and those in your life. Mind, body and spirit are connected and coming into unison. It is also a number of forgiveness. Forgive those around you, let go of anger, pain or resentment. It may be holding you back in more ways than one. Have the courage to persevere forward, so many blessings are just around the corner.
Four is a coming back to home feeling.
This is a big indication that you may be finding your truth in life. Also your true self and learning to love who you are again. This is a coming back home number. Realizing what truly is important and making sure that is strong in our life moving forward. You are probably in the process of setting a firm foundation down for the future. Learn how to unconditionally love yourself and embrace peace. Your natural gifts are growing. It is also a sign to embrace financial growth and independence. Have you noticed you have been dabbling with a new business venture, take this as a sign. A kiss of gold is approaching. Keep a journal because those ideas for business will bring you financial growth. You can allow yourself the peace and trust that you are protected.
Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
Five is a tricky number. It usually indicates that a major change, shift or conflict is around you. This is a time when you should detach from your idea of how things should play out. There may be unexpected outcomes. Keep an open mind because this may be a warning sign that things will take unexpected turns. Whatever the turn of events is make sure to remind yourself it is happening for you, and not to you. The best advice I could give anyone going through the fives is, go with the flow. Treat it like a mercury retrograde. Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Prepare for delays, miscommunication, issues with legal documents. Do not make a major life commitment during this time for you. No big purchases, avoid a new car etc. Stay out of any disagreements as well, when in the fives… no one will win.
My favorite number! Hail Satan! Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. This is an extremely misunderstood number and I’d like to clarify some things. Seeing this sequence is an extremely good omen, honestly the best! On the tree of life, we have 10 sephoroths, the 6th sits perfectly between all three pillars and is connected to the Sun.
Think of the sun in the tarot… it’s the happiest fuckin card in the deck! The sun is all about happiness, clarity, successful beginnings in all aspects of life. It’s about harmony coming in, peaceful relationships and balance calming the mind.
When Crowley was asked to explain why he is called The Great Beast… he had the best response. “I’m just a ray of sunshine”. To me that’s sums up who he was and explains this misrepresentation the best. Six in a sequence is not what it seems at all, if anything it’s what we should all want.
Every action at this time, has a major reaction.
Seven is a very important number. This is about personal transformation and inner growth. It is a big Stop Sign in front of you. You need to stop and asses your choices. This is not a time to take action on anything. It is a time to observe and research all of your options. There may be a better way to handle things. Or a new perspective will be reached soon if you have some patience. This is a critical time, your decisions matter and have consequences. Make sure you are making choices that align with your goals and desires. Take things a little more seriously because the course of your life will be affected by your choices. Think of the butterfly effect, every action right now has a reaction. Let that sink in before moving forward.
This is karma’s little sister. You get what you give. Lady Justice doesn’t have favorites.
This is a harvesting time. The seeds you planted are now ready to blossom. This is also a time of mastering a new skill or you may be realizing that you are on a new spiritual evolution. Projects that took lots of patience and persistence will soon start to let you reap the rewards. What have you have been sending out? What is coming back to you? This is karma‘s little sister. A number eight is a direct representation of what you have been giving. If you’re noticing that this is a trying time then the scales of justice are trying to be fair. As long as you have been giving what you would like to be given to you, this will be a great time. If you have been putting out energy that doesn’t serve you or others well unfortunately that’s what you’ll be getting. You get what you give. Lady Justice Doesn’t have favorites.
Learn the lesson, otherwise you may repeat the cycle again.
The number nine means take this hell or whatever situation you’re dealing with and persevere forward. You need to find a way to make the situation positive. Find your courage and your strengths within to move and push yourself forward. No one will come to motivate you. This is the time to find your inner strengths. You have to dig deep you may have to also re-evaluate your priorities. Some things are finally starting to come to an end. The chapter is almost over. Not just yet, but almost. Be thankful that this lesson is coming to completion. It’s important to take some time for yourself and learn the lesson otherwise you may repeat the cycle again.
“Do not ruin today with mourning tomorrow.” ― Catherynne M. Valente
It’s important to remember that we are the creators of our own lives and we work with the universe as co-creators. The universe is here to help point us in the right direction when we get lost, distracted or head down a path not best suited for us. We still have a responsibility to make things happen for us. You have all the power within yourself to make all the changes needed for happiness.