Tarotscope for every Zodiac Sign
7 of cups “Debauch”
Don’t get scared! Debauch just means an excess of pleasure. Too much fun, too much play, too many indulgences at this time. This week may feel a bit confusing, like you can’t make a solid decision. Look at it this way, you may be spoiled with options, everything looks shiny so take a minute before making any decisions. Let the dust settle before moving forward. If you have been diving into bad habits lately this is showing it now has effected your energy flow and its time to take notice and if were ready, re-direct. Its a good thing to hold ourselves accountable.
Ace of Wands
The new spark that is about to start a giant flame. This week will be an exciting one. You may get a little restless and have lots of sparkly new ideas. New passion projects or feeling a creative bug. It is also a new beginning for a wonderful, fun, and passionate chapter. Use this energy to really kick off something you have been wanting to get into for a while. Remember Aces are only potentials, the energy is trying to come in to kick start something but It will only work if you act on this, take advantage of the excitement and change things up. Set it up so that you feel happy about this new coming in for you. It can be new love, exciting new love advancement, happy beginnings to a creative project, idea, or new hobby. Have Fun!
9 of Cups Happiness
This week is when our true joy has come to the surface. We may have something truly fulfilling coming in this week that hits us to our core and touches our emotions in the purest way. It is also the make a wish card. Something you have been wanting, thinking, or hoping for is starting to make way this week. It is a definite yes, so expect to expand this week and it brings you great joy. Make sure not to take it for granted and to just skip by these moments. Live in the present and let yourself enjoy it in the moment.
4 of Swords Truce
This week is a temporary suspension of hostilities. You have been through a lot mentally, now is a time when you need to take a step back. Pull back from draining relationships, jobs, or situations that are taking too much from you. You need to recuperate. It may mean you have to stop communicating to certain people for a little while. Take a day off of work if possible, make sure you take this as a serious warning because if ignored, you may be looking at getting a little sick. Then you will have no choice but to take time off. So lets avoid that and take some personal time, self-care, and make sure you become a bit selfish.
Knight of Swords
This week is a time to free yourself from old belief systems. You may feel the need to rush into something like you have no time to waste! This is great energy to make something happen for yourself. If there are any big life commitments this week or important documents that need to be signed, make sure you go over it again before jumping in, this is a sign to do a little more research. You may feel restless energy, and it will probably push you to get a lot of things started. Use this week to also exhaust your body so you can rest popular, the full moon gave you too much energy.
The Emperor
The Sun in Aries energy is just the medicine you needed for this week! You may have been feeling stuck or like things just are too chaotic to get a hold of. Now this energy is going to allow you to sit back, watch and create your plan to take charge. Organize the chaos to your liking. The environment you want to be in is at your fingertips, just needs a bit of elbow grease. You more than anyone knows what is not working, now its time to put some new action into play. Others will follow your example, know that you are on that pedestal for yourself this week, show up for yourself.
Queen of Cups Reversed
Steady your emotions this week Libra. Know that the full moon in your sign may have opened some scabs. You may notice you are looking at things maybe pretty harshly or negatively. It’s a bad habit you have developed from trauma, but it’s not you. So keep reminding yourself of who you want to be when emotions come up, emotions are fleeting. They come and go, this too shall pass.
6 of Discs
This week you may need to reshape your perspective. You may have noticed you got a little jaded and feel you are always the one giving and never getting anything back. Try to see the people you care about as an investment instead of a bill. If you truly taken advantage of maybe some distance or down time is needed. On the good side, if you are wanting a raise or promotion this is a great sign that says ask and you shall receive. People are willing to give you what you are feeling you are worth, but they also need to know what you are expecting and wanting.
The sun
This week is all about diving into things you can indulge in. What brings you pleasure and what invigorates you. For some it can be romance, others it may be a whole new look for yourself. No matter what it is, this week will bring you clarity when it comes to what makes you happy. You may have a little too much fun but enjoy the joy. If you are looking to conceive then this shows high fertility, if not: take caution. It also means things that have felt confusing, there may be a breakthrough with progress that you have felt delayed in. Enjoy the rays, they are here to shine on you.
Page of Cups
This week you may get some wonderful news that fills your heart. It may be a date, someone getting married or an invitation to a baby shower. It also means that you may be asked to open up about some emotions this week. Someone around you may need to learn from your experience. You can have a lot of healing for someone, if communication opens up. It also means that things may have been a little tense, this will bring ease to addressing anything uncomfortable with ease and moving on quickly. So wrap up any lose ends and get ready for some emotional pull forward.
This week is going to be a lot to juggle. You may feel like all of a sudden you want to squeeze in as much quality time with friends as possible. The social butterfly in you is gonna feel the need for distraction. Temperance is here to say that is not the best way for you at this time. You would benefit greatly from some down time, along with some reflection. This is setting a new foundation for how you handle some anxieties or changes in life in general and its needed that you put effort into having some you time instead of giving others so much attention.
4 of Swords Truce
This week you may have to take off the rose colored glasses and see how you may have been making excuses for someone and their bad behavior. It may enlighten you to be blunt and honest to the point of healing many circumstances at once without effort. Go with it. It also suggest that you may be day dreaming about a financial upgrade. Moving up with a living situation or career progressing. It’s nice to think or day dream about those things but try hard to keep your feet planted in soil this week and stay grounded. You may be easily distracted from your goals.
Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee