Tarotscopes for Every Zodiac Sign
8 of Wands
This week is about a lot of clear, direct, swift communication and overcoming misunderstandings. Cupids arrows come rushing in. Don’t be surprised if romance comes out of the blue and truly takes over your mind and heart. There may be traveling involved and if there is a situation that has been confusing for you, this is a great sign that information that you need to know is coming and will be clear. If you are waiting to hear good news about a job prospect, this is a great indication that it is on its way. Enjoy all the communication and excitement.
Mantra “My openness and self-confidence opens the hearts of those I love.”
10 of Cups & The Lovers
This week brings a lot of pure happiness. There is a decision to be made that will alter your life. Choices matter right now and its one that asks you to follow your heart. You may have a relationship that has helped you become conscious about things in life, viewpoints that are outdates, and new ways of moving forward. A strong spiritual and or love connection will start to stir the heart and mind, enjoy pleasure and the joy it brings.
Mantra “I am now ready to meet the partner I have always longed to meet.” Or “My love and I have the strongest, most unbreakable loving bond.”
8 of Cups & Temperance
This week is a lot about acknowledging our feelings. We may have the idea that it is time to walk away from something that no longer serves us. It could be a relationship, friendship, job, career, religion, or old belief system. This does indicate you may not be doing it obviously or even letting anyone else know you are feeling this way. You may hang around for a bit even though your heart is no longer in it. Once you feel comfortable and ready you will move on. Things will begin to balance out again once you take that step, have patience with yourself.
Mantra “I surrender to the transforming powers of the divine. I am an open channel for creative energy.”
9 of Cups & 6 of Swords
This is a week that you will have a type of breakthrough. You may be coming out of denial and opening up to the ability to analyze something you may have not been wanting to face. However it doesn’t feel heavy, it feels peaceful and almost like your ideas about moving forward seem to be unifying and becoming so much less stressful. Communication will be so smooth and effortless. There is much happiness to be gained from being able to be free to be objective and make changes. Obstacles will fall to the wayside and you will become very satisfied with how far you have come.
Mantra “The rose of recognition blossoms in my heart.”
The Lovers, 4 of Wands, & Knight of Wands
Three jumper cards for you Leo! This is a lot of fire energy. You may notice lots of passion taking over and a true spiritual connection has been made. This is a union coming together with lots of love and peace. Stability is strong here, even though it feels more like fun. Faithfulness and loyalty is what is coming through, regardless if it feels like a passionate exchange. You may be fighting feelings or holding back how you truly feel. Love is blooming.
Mantra “I am now ready to meet the partner I have always longed to meet.”
3 of Wands
This week may feel a bit like the waiting game. You have been putting a lot of effort into something coming to fruition and are now forced to sit and wait to see what will come of it. Know that expanding is happening and it is the time to be open to moving forward in new and exiting ways. Don’t get impatient, remind yourself the work has and is being done to get you to that next step.
Mantra “I have the power and virtue to reflect and know.”
7 of Cups & The Hermit
This week you may feel a bit confused or like too much is going on. Don’t make any big commitments or decisions. You may have a lot of options coming towards you and it may be overwhelming. You may notice you will need some time to be alone, take a break from social events. Right now you may feel others need or take too much of your energy, it’s time to recuperate.
Mantra “As I recognize and accept my shadows, they lose their power.”
6 of Wands & 8 of Pentacles
This week brings a lot of success and recognition for all the hard work you have been doing. You may feel that you have been overlooked but the truth is you are seen as very victorious and are held up in high regard. You may get a prize or be getting a lot of attention this week. You have been working on developing a new skill and devoting a lot of time to something in particular. Remember not to hyper focus so much that you forget your surroundings. Balance is key.
Mantra “I relax and trust life.”
Ace of Swords & Death
This week is a lot of truth coming out. You may have an “Aha” moment. Things becoming clearer and you are cutting through some BS. Clear communication is coming out. If you have been waiting to find out the truth about a situation, it’s coming. It is also the begining of the end of some situations that have been difficult. It’s time to transform into your next chapter and leave the lies or problems in the past, especially if they are not even yours to carry.
Mantra “I now say: yes to death, yes to myself. I trust my clear perceptions.”
Two of Wands & The Empress
This week is a lot of planning. Looking towards the future and deciding which way to go. It can involve planning a trip overseas. You literally have the world at your fingertips. Choose what brings you the most happiness. Embrace this exciting time. If you are not wanting to become pregnant take precautions because fertility may be high. Or business’s will be growing and you will feel you have everything you need.
Mantra “I am filled with power and beauty.”
6 of Swords
This week is a lot of peace coming in. You may find yourself coming out of conflict. Headed in a transition to the next. You may be leaving a job for another, a lover for another, or just moving on from problematic situations. This is a lot of calming energy taking over, communication will be much easier and set a new pathway towards keeping things balanced.
Mantra “The rose of recognition rises in my heart".”
5 of Cups & Knight of Cups
This week don’t get too in your head about the past. Lots of emotional changes are coming in for the better. Romance will be filling the air. You may get some unexpected new or and invitation. Lots of flirtatious energy is trying to come in for you. If you keep focusing on what is hurting your heart from the past you will be missing all the beauty trying to come in a heal you, your mind is your worst enemy… try to regain control.
Mantra “I get to know my own reality by learning to see where I fool myself, or deny my inner voice.”
Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee