This Weeks Tarotscopes
Tomorrow I am teaching Candle Magick at Just Witchy’s.
Please RSVP!
Ace of Pentacles
This week there is a lot of new beginnings stirring in the mind. Mostly about advancing our careers or our health. It is time to refocus on how can we add healthy habits to our bodies that are realistic. How can we work smarter and not harder? Small shifts to our routines with our bodies and our way of working needs to be made now to continue to move towards success. If you are looking for a new job this is a great sign that an opportunity is around the corner if you go for it.
The World
This is a beautiful sign that you are finishing a major chapter in your life. Doing it well might I add. There is a milestone that has been met and you may fear change but we need to be the change now. Strive to see what your happiest routine could be. You may also be thinking of a big change as far as moving, getting an entirely new job, or having a huge paradigm shift in your life. When it comes to your costumes, negative ways of thinking, or eating, you know now is the time to start the change.
9 of Pentacles
This week is going to be very luxurious. You are going to feel radiant and happy in your own skin. You may notice you will get a lot of extra attention this week. People may say you seem to be glowing. Self care habits can be applied now. You may notice you are feeling pulled to start a whole new look for yourself. You may want to change your hair, clothes, studies, and it all is exciting for you. You may feel empowered being single and not want to get involved at this time. Go with that, you are meant to just enjoy time with yourself now.
6 of Cups
This week you may notice you look back at the past a lot. You may get an unexpected call or visit from someone from your past. It doesn’t necessarily mean it is an ex, that is a possibility. However it just means you might bump into someone from your childhood. You may be a bit nostalgic this week as well. You may be thinking about traditions you grew up with and want to continue. Or you may miss the good times from the past or when your children were younger. Focus on the happy memories and try to get a reunion going. It may be time for some good one on one time.
4 of Cups
This week you may be feeling a bit bored. You have to shake things up for yourself and get out of your comfort zone. If you are in a relationship you may have some feelings coming up about being taken for granted. Some even taken advantage of. Usually people tend to ignore this feeling and pretend like everything’s fine. Now is the time to address it and not let it grow. Don’t hold onto things that are no longer working for you. Focus and being grateful this week and raise your vibe a bit. If you have been overworking you may notice you started holding onto your money tightly, be a bit lenient with yourself.
This week sparks a big change within you. You probably notice an old idea keeps coming up. You may have ignored something you have been wanting to do for a while. Your guides are trying to get you to just start. You don’t have to be perfect you just have to start to get your hands dirty on whatever it is you have been wanting to change or try. It is also a sign that someone from the past may want to return and your guides want you to use your discernment and best judgment. Don’t commit to anything until you have all the details. It is also a shift in your beliefs. Some ways of being and seeing the world may be shifting in big ways, and you may fear people wont approve. Ignore that and just go for it.
The Devil
Well, well, well… you may be having a little bit too much fun this week. You may be wanting to feel free and liberated. You may want to try things without judgement and enjoy yourself. Nothing is wrong with some fun, but just try not to go overboard with it. You may have trouble rebalancing yourself after if you do. If you are dealing with a corrupt boss, or feeling like someone has an unhealthy attachment to you, now is the time you may be tested. You may have to be the bad guy and ignore the call, start to set boundaries for yourself. People may be trying to push those and you may have to be strong.
The Chariot
This week you will have burst of energy. You may feel you even want to be more aggressive while pursuing your goals. Use this energy to make a dent in some things you have been wanting to tackle. It also is a great sign that if you have been dealing with some difficulties or feel there have been obstacle after obstacle, this is a sign that it no longer will continue. Things will just become so much easier and you will meet little to no resistance. It’s also a great sign for success coming. If things have been feeling slow, this week will definitely pick up some speed for you.
The Tower
This week except a shake up. A new revelation may hit you like a ton of bricks. Go with the change, don’t resist you may make things worse for yourself. If the rug got pulled out from under you just know it is being done for you not too you. The way you have been doing things or dealing with any issues will no longer work for you moving forward. Take time for yourself to truly re-evaluate what does resonate with you, the old beliefs systems need to be put to rest.
Food is Medicine
King of Swords
This week you may need to make more head over heart decisions. Stay detached and be as fair as you can possibly be. You may be making work a priority over everything as well. Be aware that you are not in touch with your emotions now. Focus on connecting with your heart chakra, wear greens, eat greens, and be more in nature. You may be too out of balance and just have to come back to basics. Have a new routine to get out of your head and back into your feelings.
Page of Cups
This week will have a lot of creative ideas stirring in your mind. It may bring a lot of excitement. You may also get some exciting news in the romance department. Someone may flirt with you and even invite you on a date. It will be exciting however keep your feet on the ground. It’s a start and tends to be immature. Take things slow and not too serious. You may also get good news about someone getting married, a baby shower, given birth, or buying a new home.
The Lovers
This week will revolve all around your heart chakra. Relationships will develop deeper bonds and our feeling will grow even though we didn’t think it was possible. Partnerships will continue to grow strong in harmony and soul mates will be unbreakable. This also indicates a major decision needing to be made. You may have a choice between two options, it can relate to moving, changing or expanding jobs, long term goals and so on. It is time to think big and make a commitment because once this decision will be make the butterfly effect will happen, you can’t take it back or go backwards after that and life will be altered so follow your instincts.
Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee