Tarotscopes for This Week


Knight of Wands

Lots of movement is coming this week. A shift in love, passion, excitement, and it will definitely invigorate you again. You may find you are restless and full of enthusiasm. Ready to bust through the doors of your next adventure. Make sure if things don’t go according to plan, just redirect… no need to get fired up. Have patience for your long term plans and if you are inspired with ideas today, it doesn’t mean act on them now. Write them out and shelf it for when the time is right. Trust the time to use it will come but don’t skip small steps. Enjoy the slow flow and take advantage of it by making more time for yourself.


King of Wands

This week take advantage of your personal potential. You may feel a fire light under your ass. In a great way, you may come out of a deep sleep and feel like you have been wasting time and are now ready to make some movement. Zeus the symbol of first power and independence is coming in strong. You probably will take another look at your goals and possibly changes you need to make, but have been fighting to make. The courage to start the change is going to come full force. Unexpected opportunities will be trying to come in and bring you joy and fulfillment. Career ideas and opportunities will start to shift in your mind even if you don’t act yet. Start to plan what you want next, like it or not… change is coming.


Knight of Swords

There may be some unexpected change this week. Take the time to seek awareness and solutions. You may have to make some decisions quickly, do as much research as possible however seize the moment. You may have the desire of personal freedom. Wanting to run away or avoid commitments, responsibilities, or anything that feels restrictive. You do need a shake up, get out of your head and out of your comfort zone. There may be a lack of emotion this week, feeling a bit detached. Try to get back to basics and watch or listen to something that tugs the heartstrings.


10 of Cups

So much emotional fulfillment this week. You will feel like things have been going great for some time now, and will continue to be great. Bonds with friends and family will be growing strong. Development of movement forward is coming to a head in a good way, a phase has come full circle. Soon you will start a new path to a newer version of your emotional fulfillment. Complete joy is around you, enjoy the energy and be in this moment of happiness. It will be a memory worth looking back on. If you are in a relationship, you may have to change the dynamic of the relationship because it has served all it needed to serve or maybe take some personal time for yourself.


The World

This week you may need to be decisive about endings and beginnings… you have been dragging out an ending that needs to be completed. You have reached a milestone in your life and you may be delaying starting the next phase. Take some time to analyze what it is you are scared of changing, what is it that truly is causing you to hold back? Keep you eye on the prize, new goals are needed now. Change is coming and we need to have some sort of view on how we see the future to make a dent in new achievements. Endings don’t need to be scary, you have to let the past die to start a new life.


Queen of Swords

This week you may find yourself a bit detached from those around you and the world you have created for yourself. Emotions are not flowing within you at the moment and you even thing you feel a bit scored and cold. Keep making head over heart decisions but there is a major need to get back in touch with your emotions. You have to start to get out of your comfort zone and try some new hobbies and activities. Meet a new group of people, learn more about philosophy and what you want to use in your own life. A self-help book may be in order at this time. Self reflection and love for life are needed, take the time to spark a new fire in yours.


2 of cups & King of Swords

This week you may be dealing with someone or you may find yourself being cold and detached. Not trusting love or you may be withholding love out of a inner knowing you want to run away from something. It could be responsibility, a relationship, work, or anything really. A huge want to see things clearer, and also fighting the urge to rush this process. Try to be as clear as possible with what you are wanting, communication is important. You may want to take a look at your actions and your words and how they are effecting those around you.


8 of Wands

This week will involve lots of movement and communication. Lots of messages coming through. You may find yourself or someone you love traveling to come visit you. You may be inspired to travel a little bit for a spark of life. If you have been feeling in the dark about anything some clarity is coming in quick. You may find the missing piece to the puzzle that you needed to make a change or decision in life. Whatever the case may be, you may get whiplash. Big changes, and quick too. Inspiration may strike and creativity is on a high. You will want to do something spontaneous and honestly you need it. It will be a breath of fresh air.


The Empress

So much expansion this week. You will be overflowing with love, gratitude, abundance, and beauty. You will be radiating love and joy and it will get a lot of attention you probably didn’t expect. It is the perfect time to start developing big plans that will take a while to come to full fruition but will be a big pay off. Love your body, love pleasure, enjoy the riches of being in your own skin. This is a time for luxury, self-care, and to spoil yourself rotten. Be carful, fertility is high. This glow radiates from within, its a perfect time to start a new career path, business, project or so on. Your ideas at this time will turn to gold if they are nourished.


6 of Cups

You may find yourself being very nostalgic this week. Thinking a lot about the past and memories that made your heart sing. You may be empty nesting and are fighting some feelings of loneliness. We can rejoice in the past but just don’t get stuck in it. It is time for a new shake up. Introduce something new to your soul. Bring some color into your life and energy. This is also a sign that someone from the past may come back. You may have an unexpected visitor or ex try to return. It can be someone you haven’t thought about in a while from your past. Either way, its a welcomed message.


Page of Pentacles

Expect some wonderful news when it comes to money, school, and health. You may get a raise, or an offer for a type of apprenticeship. It’s a wonderful time to learn something new and expand your horizons. You may be inspired to study or try something different that takes time to develop. If you have been worried about health or maybe you haven’t been feeling yourself, you may get some answers now that can help fix the slump you have been in. A change in diet or lifestyle may be in order. Regardless your hard work is starting to pay off.


2 of Wands

This week you may feel a fire light under your ass. You will start to gain courage and strength to make some big leaps forward in what your heart desires. You may find yourself having to make a choice on how to address some stagnating or unpleasant habits. This is Mars energy coming in to clear things out. Getting over fears and starting to take the bull by the horns as they say. No one will take you seriously until you take yourself seriously. Take some time to hit the reset button and plan your next moves and then take action. This energy wants you to use the fire you are feeling to elevate your life and your goals. Broaden your horizons and learn something completely new.

Happy is the new rich,

Laura Lee

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This Weeks Tarotscopes


This Weeks Tarotscopes