Dominion… this is a time to rule and to control power. You have to take a step back and look at your plans because once they take off, there’s no stopping. So much fire energy this week. You may have a boost in mood and restless energy. Use your time to plan and start to move towards controlling the chaos. This is a lot about getting over some self doubt and finding your strength to overcome some fears. Your going to have so much energy that you wont even doubt yourself at this point, use that confidence to your advantage and get ready for a bit of a fire storm in the most exciting ways. Building a web at this time…. you will catch what your searching for in due time.
5 of Swords Defeat
You may be a little to open to other peoples opinions. Be aware of your surroundings. Not everyone has good intentions, you have someone around you with an ulterior motive. You may be getting some bad advice or letting people get into your head when that’s what they wanted all along. If you are dealing with others who you do not agree with or who are having strife, try to keep to yourself. It seems to be one of those situations that even if you win, no one really wins or feels good about it. Try to not take things personal at this time, use your best judgment when it comes to making decisions and don’t let anyone push you to make any big commitments at this time. Just weather the storm, its temporary.
The Fool
This week has a lot of new beginnings for you. It may feel a bit funny because you may not feel as experienced as you would like to. Try to be open minded about the possibilities, stay as optimistic as you can. Sometimes taking a leap of faith towards a new path is all that we need to do and trust to set off a whole new butterfly effect in our lives. A shakeup is needed for some adventure and excitement. Try to get out of your comfort zone and try or learn things you have never done before. It’s a whole new beginning for you, you just have to be open to let it start.
8 of Cups Indolence
This is definitely a time that is difficult because it has a lot to do with the heart. Some things are no longer giving you pleasure or love and we are feeling that the need to leave things, people, places, old belief systems behind. However it comes with so much liberation. You may be contemplating things for a while before you make the change in your life. Some things have run there course respectfully, it’s ok to mourn the past. However do not let yourself stay in a mourning position. It is time for the next, the new, the unknown. Embrace this next chapter trying to start for you. Instead of focusing on what you will lose, try to see all the possibilities as to what could be gained.
5 of Cups Disappointment
This is a hard card to get because it kind of makes us face what we are putting ourselves through. It lets us know we are focusing on the past too much and what no longer serves us. Most of the time we focus and romanticize what we wanted to be in the past and have yet come to face what the reality of that is. It’s ok to grieve or morn situations, people, what could have been, what we feel should have been…. but it’s trying to warn you. Do not live in your past. You are missing all the new opportunities and ways of life trying to come in. 5 is all about change, conflict, and strife with others or within ourselves. The next shift is around you but you have to decide where your heart truly wants to be and what you can handle. Try to pay attention to the future and what’s next, instead of what was.
7 of Wands Valour & 5 of Discs Worry
This week you may be feeling you have to defend yourself or be on the defense. You may have some abandonment issues come to the surface. The full moon may have rocked you a little too much this time. You find yourself focusing on the smallest details and maybe feeling a bit restless. Take a step back and remember you have the right things in mind. Don’t let your confidence be shaken to a point that you feel out of control. You can overcome any insecurities in your mind, heart, and body. Past pain is in the past. Open up a little to start stirring something new in your mind and in turn your life will follow suit. You have to have more belief in what you want as an outcome.
Queen of Swords
This week you may find you are dealing with a cold mother, boss, or sister. It also may mean you have to start to become a little detached and be more honest and up front. If you are dealing with someone being cold, take a step back and create some distance even if its only temporary. If you feel its time for you to become more head over heart with certain people… then it is time to be a little more up front. Remind yourself that what you say and how you show up is your responsibility. Try not to lose your cool, and keep things as logical as possible. You may notice you are a little emotionless, if that’s the case then you are very out of balance. Pleasure is or has not been a priority to you for a while and that needs to take a shift.
The Hermit Reversed
It is time to come out of hiding! Stretch your body and get ready to take on a lot of socializing, communication, and teamwork. You may have been on your own for a while now and probably even got comfortable with that. Your spirit is ready to shift into a much more liberated state. Having the courage to try things you never have before and even opening up emotionally to someone you have been thinking of. Express yourself, your emotions, what your feeling, share a glimpse of what you have been dealing with internally. You are surrounded by loved ones who want you to heal and enjoy life again. You are supported and mother earth has your back. Let go…
The Hierophant
This week may be interesting. You may have to do things by the book at this time to ensure that things run smoothly. You may meet a teacher or someone who has great advice for you during this new shift. You may notice you are a little more open when it comes to your spirituality and beliefs. They always say a teacher will come when you are ready, it looks like its about that time. Stay humble and open to others giving advice and try not to take it as a dig to your work or beliefs. Stay as level headed as you can, now is not the time to let emotions run you off the road, you are meant to see through the fog.
6 Of Swords Science
This week communication will become much easier with people around you. Things will start to flow with out much effort being made to make it so. Its a peaceful shift for your mind. You may be contemplating leaving a job, starting a new job, new home, new relationship… Just to name a few. This is a great sign that you are ready for movement forward, maybe in the past you weren’t completely sure if moving forward was what is truly best for you. Now you can feel more assured. Reconciliation is around the corner if there has been a rift in a relationship. Just do your best moving forward not to bring the baggage with you.
Ace of Discs
You may be thinking a lot about new beginnings with regards to your home, work, or health. Take the initiative to go towards your goals. It may be something that you have only been thinking of, but the potential shows that it is strong and this shift your thinking of is a long term situation. Good health and new ways of income trying to come in. New opportunities with work may be swirling in your head and coming up in your life. You may be interested to see how to start treating your body differently. It may be important to see how your treating your body, there may be something in your diet that has been messing with your moods, inflammation, or digestion. Try to determine what’s effecting your body.
8 of Swords Reversed Interference
Finally the feeling of being trapped or stuck has finally lifted. This new fire energy coming in works with you at this point in time. Normally you may feel unstable or unsettled when it comes to fire energy. This time it is a huge relief. You may find yourself coming out of a dry spell, suddenly having energy and willing to see things happening much differently than expected. Go with the flow. Any interferences you dealt with in the past will subside for a while now. Making it much easier to make decision that you feel confident in. No more hesitating or thinking twice. Your mind and intuition will come together making life flow much more effortlessly for you. Enjoy the shift.
Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee
To purchase the deck I used please visit Just Witchys.