This Weeks Tarotscopes
The Hermit
This week is definitely a time to take a step back. You may have been pushing forward to hard or too forcefully and need a rest. Burning the candle at both ends is definitely something Aries are known for… but the burn out is more of a feeling things going up in flames. That’s not actually happening, but the stress on our minds and our bodies may be too much and it is a time to take a step back and slow down. Understand that nothing is wrong and everything will continue to go well even if you have some down time. Stop trying to force things and just kind of take the back seat and enjoy what is meant to happen.
Page of Cups & 8 of Swords
This week can actually bring up some feelings of flirtation. You may open up to something that is stirring the heart and emotions. A part of you may be fighting going back and forth with the idea of is this what I think it is? The 8 of swords is fear coming up. It is a bit self sabotaging. You may be making things bad or worse in your mind. Stay in the here and now and know that there is no problems. You may have to face some demons from your past that still come to haunt you, causing the rise of fear. Enjoy the new movement, you don’t have to go kicking and screaming. Especially when it’s something to uplift you.
The High Priestess & 2 of Discs
You may notice that you may be a bit resistant to some change coming in. It’s ok to take a step back and just observe things for a while until you feel comfortable to jump in. You are very in tune with your intuition at this time and it is saying your gut instinct is very on point. Trust yourself more and listen to your inner voice. This change that’s coming in is necessary for you to get back to yourself and happiness. It also indicates you may be overextending yourself. You will have to re-evaluate priorities and maybe one responsibility will need to be dropped or put on the backburner to truly succeed with your goals.
Queen of Cups
This week you may be very sensitive. You may notice emotions coming up very strong. People may be very drawn to you and you may notice even strangers wanting to vent and open up to you. They will walk away feeling rejuvenated and cared for but you will be left feeling drained and exhausted. Make sure to put some boundaries up and not let people take advantage. It’s not that people are trying to, but your healing energy and nurturing ways makes it easy for them to come in and get what is needed for them. Make sure your not using your unstable emotions this week to guilt trip or manipulate others. It will not look good for you if you do.
The World & Ace of Discs
You finally have finished a chapter in your life that you have been wanting to end for a while. It may have been a hard road but the new path is finally making itself clear for you. You may have realized it’s time to get back in tune with your body and mind. It’s a great time to purge the old ways of thinking. Make room for new goals and horizons. Things are starting off on a good foot. You may be in the field for a new job or new home. The opportunity is right around the corner so make the effort to get out and chase the things you want. Right now its only a potential, its not tangible until its chased. End the old and help yourself by not repeating cycles, make an oath to your integrity. When is the last time you kept a promise to yourself?
10 of Swords & 5 of Discs
It may be a bit of a hard week. You may be dealing with some sudden endings, betrayals, or worrying about abandonment. Fears may be growing due to feelings being so strong. Try to look at things head over heart at the moment. Even though you may be dealing with some endings, know that the worst is over. This was meant to happen so that you wont be bringing baggage with you while you move forward. It’s ok to mourn what something could have been or what we hoped for ending. Just don’t let yourself stew in those feelings for too long. Don’t exasperate them, acknowledge them, live and let live.
Just go with it…
5 of Cups & Page of Swords
You may find yourself dealing with a difficult atmosphere. Feeling like you have to defend yourself or your cause. If any delays happen just go with the flow. If you keep looking to the past for solutions, you may just find yourself romanticizing the past. Making it something that it was not. It’s ok to have regrets or guilt, but don’t let it take over. You are not paying attention to the amazing new gifts right in front of you. Make sure your not taking those you love or care for, for granted. Try to get out of your head and think of a way life should be. Make the effort to create your heaven here on earth, not your hell. New ways of thinking may need to become a priority.
The Hierophant & 4 of Swords
You may be struggling to find the meaning with career or spiritual views. Wanting to dig for deeper meanings than what you have been given. Your morals or ethics may come into question in your mind or more so the ethics and morals of others will be made clear to you. It will not effect your personal reason for doing what you do or learning what you want to learn. However, it will make you see beyond the curtain. You will see people for who they are regardless of the masks they wear in public. The 4 of swords indicates you have been mentally dealing with this for some time and are in need of rest from the situation. That can be taking time off or cutting communication for some time with certain individuals. Let yourself heal before you make any big jumps. You may just need to come face to face with the reality of who some people are.
Page of Wands
The love of life may come rushing in. Things are about to get exciting in the best way. You may have felt a little stuck but get ready for things to take a huge turn. You may receive some exciting news regarding an opportunity for a passion project or passionate exchanges are around the corner. You may be too eager for the excitement that you jump without looking. Try to stay grounded while you enjoy the unexpected. Your inner confidence will boom this week, it is a great time to get a hot outfit together. Try something new with your hair or take some flattering pictures of yourself, your energy is trying to boost your warrior within.
7 of Cups and 6 of Discs
This week your mind may be a bit foggy. Your thoughts are in the clouds filled with imagination and creativity. It is not a great time to make decisions. You will be spoiled for choice and options when it comes to love, work, or passion projects. They all may look like something shiny at this time, very enticing. However the shimmering will fade with some of the options. So don’t rush into anything. You may be wearing rose colored glasses at this time. It’s fun to romanticize things but try not to make some things what they are not. After this things will start to come into balance and you will find that you have inspiration for new horizons. If you are wanting a raise or a loan, it is a good indication that if you ask you shall receive.
5 of Wands & 6 of Cups
If an ex is trying to come back or if you are thinking of reaching out to an ex let me help you…. DON’T FUCK*N DO IT! You may be missing the past or old memories but you are romanticizing what really happened. You may just miss companionship and not the person. Take this as a warning, if the past returns you will be repeating the same cycle. Learn from your mistakes even if the other person has not. Your heart strings will start to be pulled before you know it making it easy to heal from past pain. Someone knew will be pulling your heartstrings soon and may open up a current that you previously closed. Whoever or whatever it is that is making you happy, just make sure it is not an ex.
Justice and 2 of Discs
Things may be finally coming into balance for you. You probably felt things were going against you for a while and were having trouble fulfilling your goals. That time is coming to an end. Be mindful of your choices, everything has a reaction at this moment. Choose your path with intention, mean everything you say, and only say what you mean. You may have to prioritize some responsibilities. You may be trying to do too many things at once. It is working against you, because it is causing lots of distraction. It’s time to slow down the juggling act and hyper focus on one thing you are aiming for. Go with this change and adjust as needed.
Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee