Your Weekly Tarotscope Jan 17th-23rd
"Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can neither be explained nor ignored." - Agatha Christie
Conditioning & Othala
Society cannot tolerate individuality, because individuality will not follow like sheep. Individuality has the quality of a lion: the lion moves alone. It’s time to take a look at your own reflection in the pond, and make a move to break out of whatever you have been conditioned by others to believe about yourself. Dance, run, jog, do gibberish - whatever is needed to wake up the sleeping lion. The rune Othala advises you to focus on your heritage, where you come from. Make traditions old and new a priority. What experience have you gained recently that holds a great deal of value to you, or what experience would you like to gain.
Completion & Hagalaz
Whatever has been absorbing your time and energy is now coming to an end. In completing it, you will be clearing the space for something new to begin. Use this interval to celebrate both - the end of the old and the coming of the new. In the finishing, we can either be in despair because we don’t want the situation to come to an end, or we can be grateful and accepting of the fact that life is full of endings and new beginnings. The choice is yours. The rune Hagalaz represents hail. You are being tested and are meant to overcome this obstacle, no matter what it is. Something unexpected may have sparked back up but you are strong enough to tackle anything, don’t forget you are always supported.
Friendliness & Tiwaz
This card indicates a readiness to enter this quality of friendliness. In the passage, you may notice that you are no longer interested in all kinds of dramas and romances that other people are engaged in. It is not a loss. It is the birth of a higher more loving quality, born of fullness of experience. It is the birth of a love that is truly unconditional, without expectations or demands. The rune Tiwaz advises you to stay neutral and always fight for what’s right. Stay true to yourself and don’t cut corners for others to benefit. It’s also here to remind you that you are a leader, what are you leading next in your life?
The Master & Wunjo
Keep moving on and learn from previous masters that helped reach awareness. Once you see things in your life clearly and let go of control you will lose sight of judgments, judgments to yourself and others. Now you can do and act on only which makes you more joyous, fulfills you, gives you contentment, makes your life a work of art, a beauty. There is no blissfulness more precious than freedom, than being a master of your own destiny. The rune Wunjo represents lots of rewards and success. You will be able to enjoy some luxury this week, that can be food, shopping, a gift or a happy surprise.
The Dream & Ansuz
Nobody, whether it’s your current mate or some dreamed-of partner in the future, has any obligation to deliver your happiness on a platter- nor from trying to solve our neediness by depending on another, but by developing your own inner richness and maturity. Then we have so much love to give that naturally draw lovers towards us. Have you fallen in love or are you looking for love because you do not want to be alone? It’s time to self reflect. The Rune Ansuz is here to advise you to communicate clearly and slowly. Have plenty of understanding because some things may test your views and ethics,
Aloneness & Mannaz
When you are alone you are not alone, you are simply lonely - and there is a tremendous difference between loneliness and aloneness. You may be feeling lonely this week but know there is a lesson attached for you. Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Aloneness is very positive. It’s time to take a dive deep within yourself and re-evaluate who you are surrounding yourself with and why. There may be some co-dependencies happening. The rune Mannaz represents humanity. Your soul would benefit greatly from looking into starting humanitarian work. Helping others will help you truly get to know yourself.
Going with the Flow & Jera
Every moment in life we have a choice whether to enter life’s waters and float, or to try to swim upstream. When this card appears in a reading it is an indication that you are able to float now, trusting that life will support you in your relaxation and take you exactly where it wants you to go. Allow this feeling of trust and relaxation to grow more and more; everything is happening exactly as it should. Jera is a rune that represents cycles. It is here to advise you to reap the rewards of your hard work. A cycle is ending and its time for the next to start to come in. Don’t resist the new, it takes courage to accept change.
Sorrow & Laguz
Times of great sorrow have the potential to be times of great transformation. But in order for transformation to happen we must go deep, to the very roots of your pain, and experience it as it is, without blame or self-pity. You may be experiencing grief or the loss of a friendship or relationship. This sorrow is to help you become aware of yourself and life now. Have you been asleep or so distracted you have gone off track? Take this time to refocus and process emotions. The Rune Laguz means lake, it advises you to understand your emotions may be overwhelming. Take a step back and try to ground yourself. Whatever emotions you are feeling it does not define you, you are just feeling them. All is temporary.
Source & Berkana
So Whether you are beginning something new and need inspiration right now, or you’ve just finished something and want to rest, go to the Source. It’s always waiting for you, and you don’t even have to step out of your house to find it. What has always given you the zest for life? What do you need to bring back to your everyday routine? That needs to return. You can’t be whatever you want, but you can be everything you are. The Rune Berkana is all about birth. It is here to advise you to embrace a new creation and invite this regenerative spirit.
Possibilities & Ehwaz
This card indicates that you are at a point where a world of possibilities is open to you. Because you have grown more loving towards yourself, more self-contained, you can work easily with others. Because you are relaxed at ease, you can recognize possibilities as they present themselves, sometimes even before others can see them. Because you are in tune with your own nature you understand that existence is providing you with exactly what you need. Enjoy the flight! And celebrate all the varied wonders of the landscape spread before you. The Rune Ehwaz means horse. It’s time to move forward. There is steady progress forward, keep going. You are on the right path.
Control & Isa
This card reminds us to take a deep breath, loosen our neckties and take it easy. If mistakes happen, its okay. If things get a little out of hand, it’s probably just what the doctor ordered. There is much, much more to life than being ‘on top of things’. The Rune Isa means ice. It advises you to go with the flow and not be too hasty. Taking some time to enjoy yourself before moving forward with serious endeavors is just what is needed to stay balanced and make the best choices moving forward.
Mind & Raidho
This is a situation of your head. Just think what kind of thoughts go on inside your mind. One day just sit, close the doors, and write down for half an hour whatsoever is passing in your mind, and you will understand what I mean and you will be surprised what goes on inside your mind. It remains in the background, it is constantly there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot know reality: you cannot attain to spiritual perception. This cloud has to be dropped. Ant it is just with your decision to drop it that it will disappear. You are clinging to it- the cloud is not interested in you, remember it. The rune Raidho is about a journey. This rune advises you to start putting cycles into perspective when triggered. There is a missing puzzle piece to your pain you have yet to discover and process.
If you would like to purchase the deck I used please visit Just Witchy’s.
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Happy is the new rich,
Laura Lee